Sunday 15 April 2012

Ebb and flow of the tide

                              Democracy. This single word ushers terms such as Freedoms, Elections, Parliaments and Councils of powerful men, or ministers. India is the World's largest democracy. Freedoms of speech, culture and religion, education, travel, settlements prevail. But the fuel that runs this engine is "We, The People".
                    The most recognised phrase I suppose
                        "We" are so powerful that by a single press on the ballot, a party can be crowned with glory or shamefully dethroned. This was evident in the 2011 Legislative Elections of  West Bengal when the "Sickle and Hammer" was blown away by the rustle of a tripod leaf and the cry of "Ma.Mati.Manush.". The public showed its true intentions to the rulers:-"Perform or perish". Our ammunition was the freedoms. It also included crying out loud at injustice or inefficiency of the Governments. After the arrest of the senior Chemistry professor of Jadavpur University, the net has gone viral with the netizens questioning," Am I gonna be arrested for chiding Her 'Excellency'?"
                              The Intellectual strata of society are the voices of the people. It includes economists, philosophers, cinematic personalities etc. In short, they are the creme de la creme of the society. Its voice. They spoke out when the former government were hell-bent on sacrificing farmlands for automobiles. They had catapulted "HER" to supreme power. Now they are in fear. Fear of "her" wrath, who interprets a cartoon as an attack on "her" modesty. On top of that, the cartoon spoke the truth. The former minister was insistent on increasing the fares for the welfare of the railways, incidentally "her" original department, that is in shambles. The number of railway accidents bear testimony to my claim. She would not allow it. For the vote bank.
                              Over the years, people have suffered for standing up against the injustice of the ruling class. They have suffered. Aung San Suu Kyi, Nelson Mandela, Carl Von Ossietzky, Liu Xiaboa, Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose to name a few. But this is the first time that I see in India. In the words of Bob Dylan, "The Times Are A Changing". 
                               I have nothing personal against "Her Majesty". I respect her for taking a beating 19 years ago yet, making it to the top now. I respect her for her selflessness, her truthfulness and her visions for her people. But a democracy is not a one man army. It has its council. Her council is incidentally filled with people whose past is what I would not call pleasant. Her choice of friends is pretty awful. Her temper drives her insane, to the extent of manipulating her treacherous throat into chiding a helpless woman, who was robbed of her integrity. 
                                These are my words. This may be echoed in lanes and slowly in every household. Then the masses shall strive forward for another change. This is how the Wind of Change blows. My deepest concerns are for her.
India has provided very few upright women in politics after Indira Gandhi. I would have included her here, but her actions somehow prevent me. 
"Your Majesty", do not misunderstand me when I say this, do not be a puppet on a chain for any goddamn being.

 The Wallpaper of the cult film Godfather

A Disappointed Citizen(soon to be).

P.S.:- If you have not yet deciphered, Congratulations. You need not. Those who have, please note that  "I too am in fear".



  1. I say throw them out the minute they start showing fascistic tendencies.

  2. Definitely. The Russian Revolution too started with a lot of promise. The rest is history. Every coup begins with people saying, "All Animals are equal". Then it becomes, "Some Animals are more equal than others". The world cannot afford another Hitler.
