Thursday 20 October 2011

Martyrs of love.....BULLSHIT!!!!!

                                       A Common Thing For Cowards   
                                           "When I was a child I caught a fleeting glimpse
                                           Out of the corner of my eye
                                          I turned to look but it was gone
                                         I cannot put my finger on it now
                                        The child is grown the dream is gone

                                       I have become comfortably numb".....
                                        -Pink Floyd(Song:-Comfortably Numb)

                 A boy returns home from school. He drops his bag, shoes, socks here and there and enters his room. An hour later his mother is perplexed as the apple of her eye has not consumed a morsel of food. She enters his room and finds him hanging from the ceiling. A note on the table claims, "The love of my life has been claimed by someone else.My life has no purpose."
                Nowadays every unrequited Romeo slits his wrist for the doe-eyed Juliet and vice versa. Every depressed characters knows not how to make amends to the source of his sorrow. He jumps straight to the conclusion. This is primarily seen among the adolescants who, with their new found sexual maturity, thinks they understand the meaning of love, sex and relationship. All they know is what pleases the eye. Love is much more than that. It is a bond where one party acts in accordance to the welfare of the other.  The true essence of love has been masked by pictures of two young people stealing kisses and  making love. Love for country, love for parents, love for animals, love for school all go out of the window.
So many individuals have fallen into the snares of delusion and have taken their own lives citing "love".They are not heroes, they are not martyrs , they are petty cowards who cant face reality that the other party don't find their ugly face appealing.
                                                  All this must have compelled you to think that I have never loved. Yes it is true. I have only had attractions and infatuations. I have only dreamt of satisfying my lust. I am cold hearted. But I believe my life has a value and is not to be  thrown away. If any girl dumps me for another guy, I would smirk and make myself a man that one day she will ever be sorry that she ever left me. I would humiliate the other.But I would never torment myself. When we commit suicide for one relationship,we immediately denote our ingratefulness towards our parents, friends, peers who expect so much from us.
                   To all these "martyrs and soon to be martyrs", I would like to dedicate a song:-"You give love a Bad name" By Bon Jovi.
Many of my friends are in a relationship. I can say that some will last forever but most will stay as long as a mirage.
Rudyard Kipling had said........

"If you can walk with Kings, nor lose the common touch
  If any man count with you, but none too much...........
..........................You will be a Man, my son"
So think twice before you ever try such a cowardly deed. Maybe 30 years later, you will be rich, married, successful and laugh it off, these days of emotional tumult. You shall say as Bryan Adams croons..."Those were the best days of my life".


  1. Hey bro... u know who i am :). Love is complicated. Flirting is simple. Do the math.

  2. It is not that i do not believe in is that i do not believe in taking my own life for the sake of love...............By that name i swear there can be only one guy who posts a Supernova as a Profile pic...;)
